Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's that Time of Year...

Everyone who knows me knows that my husband, Jon, is a band director. And if you know me really well, you know that near the end of July or the beginning of August each year...well.... BAND SEASON starts in my house. This means that Jon will spend almost a month straight preparing and conducting leadership camp, rookie camp, and full band camp with 100+ students and a large number of staff. Then school starts, and weekly practice/rehearsal starts, and football Friday's starts....and most importantly the competition band season starts. The meaning of this is that he's gone....long gone. This self-proclaimed "man of leisure" becomes a 40 to 60 (and sometimes more) hour per week band director. And it gives me a lot of alone time. Since I knew what profession I was marrying into, I'm not complaining....I'm just saying! I rarely attend a practice due to my work schedule and I chose to forgo the football games since Friday is a great night to get things accomplished at home. But.....I do chose to travel with him and the band to every competition. I enjoy watching him work, watching the kids progress, and I love watching them succeed. Our favorite thing to say to each other after they've won is "winning feels much better than losing". You see....Jon and I have been together MANY years and I've been to MANY band competitions and I've seen his bands come in last....I've seen them win everything....and I've seen them come in second when everyone else knew they deserved to win! However...there is nothing like seeing the smiles on the kids faces, the pride in their eyes, and the relief that it's over when they do WIN! It is truly priceless....

Needless to say....BAND SEASON has started in our house. As much as I miss him when he's gone, I'm really looking forward to travelling with him and the band and making band a part of my schedule again! I will keep you posted on the outcome of their performances....I believe this will be a year of SUCCESS!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hi Cindy....can't believe you finally updated your blog!!!! I had forgotten I started following it a few months ago and was surprised to see you posted.

Hope your new job is going well! Still crazy at USC. We need to get together soon...maybe after bank season! Have a great weekend.
