Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Has it Really Been this Long?

I bet everyone who ever followed my blog has decided that I've quit, given up, got worn out.....or just forgotten about you, right? Well, no...not really...never! I can only say that life has truly gotten in the way. After the new year began this year, it seemed that every aspect of my life went into full speed. Right after I returned from my holiday break, I encountered the busiest time of the year for my job....and in the midst of all this chaos, I encountered an offer for a new job that I couldn't refuse. That's right folks....I accepted a new position that I began February 1st. I thought when accepting the position that I was going to have more time for "ME" and for writing, gardening, and doing the things I enjoy most. Truth of the matter is that this was the point that life became even busier. Hectic. Nuts. Crazy. So busy that the last seven months have been a whirl wind. It's been like snapping my fingers. It's been exhausting. And...in the last few weeks I've been doing some soul searching...lots of soul searching. It just seems like something was missing. I told Jon about these feelings and told him I was thinking of taking a class...or learning a new language...or getting back into my exercise routine full time (which I plan to eventually do - regardless). Anyway, I was trying desperately to find what it was that was lacking...and then it came to me last night while I lay in bed....soul searching. TA DAH! I wanted to start blogging again...to really write and motivate myself to write often. And hopefully motivate myself to write my book. So here I am. All day long I've been thinking about the format I will be using and I've come up with several versions of how the new and improved "Hissy Fit" will flow. I'm still not quite there yet, but once decided....I will let you, my faithful readers, know as well. Anyway, it feels good to be back....real real good. Look for me often....I'll be right here!

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