Monday, October 11, 2010

The Reality of War....

Today I had a very humbling and heartfelt experience.  An email was sent out to all employees in our building that Army Specialist Will Rabon's body was being returned home to Lexington County this morning.  Specialist Rabon was killed in Afghanistan last week when the vehicle he and another SC soldier, Staff Sargeant Willie Harley, were riding in was attacked by insurgents with an Improvised Explosive Device.  Both men were killed.  The email stated that the processional of Specialist Rabon's return home would include his family and loved ones and would be traveling past our office building.  The email asked that we step out to the road side and line the main streets of Lexington to show our respects to a hero coming home. 
I didn't ask anyone else in my office if they were going to step outside, but when I did so on this beautiful autumn day, I was truly in awe of what I saw.  There were at least a hundred people already lined up along the street.  At the same time as I stepped onto the sidewalk, I noticed there were many others filing out of all the Main Street offices too.  The mood was somber and reflective.  Some were holding American flags, some were waiting silently....
When the processional approached, I put my hand over my heart and with an overwhelming feeling of respect and sadness, I watched as each vehicle passed by.  First, Army Specialist Rabon's body, draped by an American flag.  And then vehicle after vehicle of family, friends, military, and law enforcement.  When the last vehicle passed us by, all of the office workers turned and silently went back to their jobs and their daily responsibilities. 
Today I realized that the majority of us truly take our freedom for granted.  I think we get so caught up in our over-scheduled lives, our desire to have more and be more, and our overly secure feeling of being an American that we forget....We forget that there are people - men and women - fighting to protect our freedom.  Fighting to protect our over-scheduled lives, our desire to have more and be more, and our overly secure feeling of being an American.  And no matter how we feel about political agendas, the war itself, or the military....we are free because of people like them.  
I wish more people would take the time to do what I did today.  I didn't know Specialist Rabon personally.  I didn't have to.  I do know that he is my hero.  Among the many other soldiers whose lives have been lost protecting each and everyone of us.  As I said above, it was a very humbling and heartfelt experience.  It was the reality of war....
Lastly, and so you'll know, Specialist Rabon was survived by his wife and four young children.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Class of 1985

Tonight there is a shindig for my twenty-fifth high school reunion from Statesboro High School.  Home of those awesome Blue Devils! I'm melancholy that I'm not going to be able to attend, but everyone who knows me, knows this is the busiest time of the year in our house.  Anyway, I am bummed I won't be there....especially since it's 25 years!  Yes, really....I said 25 years!   Now....I know it must be hard to believe since I'm so young and vibrant and haven't changed at all. (You can laugh now!)   In this post I want to share a little about the wonderful experience high school was for me!   When I say this I am being completely honest.  My high school experience was a good one.  I know many people will tell you they hated high school and just thought it was awful.  However, I am not one of those people.  I REALLY REALLY DID HAVE A WONDERFUL HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE!

You see, my parents moved me from Columbia, SC to Statesboro, GA when I was going into the 8th grade.  I was traumatized for having to leave my friends, my neighborhood, and my school in Columbia.  And to make matters worse, we moved in the summer when there was no chance I would meet anyone my age.  When I did start school - at William James Middle School - I was terrified.  It was an overwhelming feeling to walk into a place I had never seen before or where I knew no one at all.   In my home room, I got stares.  You know the look...."Who's the new girl?".  But then, in my very first class, something magical happened....I was sitting in the room all by myself and waiting for my other classmates to arrive and in walks this girl with long dark hair.  She came right up to me and asked "Are you new here?".....when I said "Yes"....she said "Well, my name is Vicki Marsh and I'll be your friend."  And that was that.....I had a new friend who ended up being one of my best friends ever. 

The great thing was...everyone at my new school was like this.  So many nice people who made me feel welcome to a new place.  I continued into high school and had some of the best adventures ever.  Football games, parties, sleepovers, working at Medical Center Pharmacy, beach trips, hanging out in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot, coon hunting with Vicki and her dad....good times with good friends.  Not to mention that the school was great too.  I liked my teachers, my classes, my classmates, and the administration.  For a girl who is not - and has never been - a "joiner", it was an experience to be had for me.  I truly feel the move to Statesboro helped me come out of my shell.  I still have several friends who I stay in touch with more often than not and since the Facebook phenomena has occurred I've connected with people from high school that I haven't talked with in years.  People that I really liked a lot back then.  People who were my friends back then.  People who I wished I would have known better back then.  People who made me enjoy my years at good 'ole Statesboro High!

Now....I'm not saying that I would like to go back and re-live high school.  No way.   I love being an adult and I love my life now.  But when other people tell me they had an awful high school experience, I think back and enjoy all the memories of those times.  With all those interesting people.  I do think I was a very lucky girl.  And how very fortunate I am to have those fond high school memories....

So, to all my 1985 Statesboro High School classmates.....who were very much like family to, here.....have a great time tonight and make some more memories for me!